Tess Adams, LMT

Tess Adams (LMT, MA, RYT she/her) completed her bodywork studies at East West College of the Healing Arts. She offers an integrated form of bodywork that centers deep listening, each individual’s innate capacity to heal, and trauma-informed care. Both myofascial release and craniosacral therapy form the bedrock of Tess’s approach and allow space for other focused therapeutic techniques where appropriate (like deep tissue and neuromuscular). Tess’s offerings are subtle yet deceptively deep, embody the spirit of the gentlest thing in the world overcoming the most hard, and invite clients to awaken to their present moment experience.


Along with practicing massage, Tess guides somatic movement and yoga classes in the Portland area as well as globally through Zoom. She stays continually inspired through her daily practice, connection to nature, and the moments of possibility that bloom with each person she meets.